True, Strong, Inspired.
Meet some of Canada’s finest.

Cindy Teevens, author-speaker-teacher-facilitator
“When you shift your state, your whole perspective and world shifts. Problems dissolve, villains become victims and compassion kicks in.”
Learn to kick ass like Cindy Teevens
Dr. Derek Puddester, psychiatrist-author-health ambassador-conduit of joy
“The humanities are of critical importance in medicine today; being in touch with our humanity is essential.”
Get inspired byDr. Derek Puddester

Dr. Niobe Thompson, documentary filmmaker-anthropologist-environmentalist
“Canadians are the beneficiaries of a natural landscape that is generous beyond deserving, living in a time of opportunity that not one of their ancestors ever dreamed could exist.”
Share experiences withDr. Niobe Thompson Listen

Amma Bonsu, catalyst-storyteller-powerhouse
“There’s no reason not to be the fullness, the wholeness, the completeness of what you were born to be. There’s nothing stopping you in this country.”
Gain insight fromAmma Bonsu