True, Strong, Inspired.
Meet some of Canada’s finest.

Rosannagh MacLennan, trampolinist-champion

“Winning gold isn’t the experience; it’s everything leading up to that moment that really teaches you the values of sports and the values that you can carry over into the rest of your life.”

Share experiences with Rosannagh MacLennan

Sam Hudecki, storyboard artist-concept designer-dream illustrator

“I like that place where drawing leaves some empty spaces that allow you to fill them in with your imagination.”

Get inspired by
Sam Hudecki

Saidat Vandenberg, children’s entertainer-youth mental health advocate

“If you can find out who you are, at a young age, you can avoid a lot of pitfalls.”

Learn to kick ass like
Saidat Vandenberg

Attiya Khan, survivor-filmmaker-counsellor-healer

“I was determined to lift the silence surrounding domestic violence, so I made a goal to talk about it openly and often.”

Gain insight from
Attiya Khan