True, Strong, Inspired.
Meet some of Canada’s finest.

Bif Naked, spokeswoman-survivor-writer-performer-rockstar human being

“It’s important to be around a diverse group of women from all different backgrounds and age groups, and to have a collective goal that is supportive and encouraging for women.”

Learn to kick ass like Bif Naked

Ian McAllister, conservationist-nature photographer-trailblazer-Pacific Wild founder

“Everything is at stake with this energy issue, and it has come to us squarely in the fight to keep oil, condensate and gas tankers out of the fragile waters of the Great Bear Rainforest.”

Get inspired by
Ian McAllister

Elizabeth May, activist-lawyer-pillar of strength-Green Party of Canada leader

“It’s essential, (in order) to be able to be constructive, that you see what’s positive.”

Share experiences with
Elizabeth May

Dr. Andrew Furey, surgeon-educator-leader-healer

“I like being able to ask why things work and why they’re broken, and then being able to fix them.”

Gain insight from
Dr. Andrew Furey