True, Strong, Inspired.
Meet some of Canada’s finest.
Anita Stewart, culinary adventurer
“Canadian cuisine is about celebrating our magnificent differences, our roots and our ethnicity.”
Learn to kick ass like Anita Stewart ListenSteve Jordan, music lover-Polaris Music Prize founder
“Music possesses your mind and your heart like nothing else.”
Get inspired bySteve Jordan Listen
Kristina Groves, athlete-dreamer-workhorse
“I learned how to train hard and I think that’s ultimately what led to me being successful.”
Gain insight fromKristina Groves Listen
Trevor John Leclerc, teacher-spokesman-politician-survivor
“… life isn’t fair, the universe isn’t fair. But people have free will and we have the unique capacity to try to make it a little fairer.”
Share experiences withTrevor John Leclerc