True, Strong, Inspired.
Meet some of Canada’s finest.

Paul Nicklen, wildlife photographer-protector-preserver
“I think we are really at our turning point… I’m not willing to give up yet; I’m going to keep fighting. I believe the power of photography is the one thing that’s going to sway people.”
Share experiences with Paul Nicklen
Dr. Daurene Lewis, nurse-educator-politician-catalyst
“If I could teach one thing to the next generation, it would be that no one should accept the status quo.”
Learn to kick ass likeDr. Daurene Lewis

Roy Henry Vickers, artist-teacher-healer-visionary-leader
“There are so many confirmations that I’m walking on the path that I should be walking on; that I’m in the right place, doing good things that make a difference to people in the world.”
Gain insight fromRoy Henry Vickers Listen

Miles Finlayson, filmmaker
“I like to think that the originality and creativity behind something does contribute something good to the world, whether it has a directly politicized message or not.”
Get inspired byMiles Finlayson